So it seems that i cant log back into my account.. it just gives me "These credentials do not match our records." error when i want to, i tried recovery email thing,, DOES NOT WORK the email is nowhere to be found not even in the spam folder, and ive done this so many times. If anyone knows how to help it would be great
Hello there.
You know, I have 'no-clue-at-all' how things work on 'ToyHouse', since I've never had an account there before, so I don't know if I'll be of 'too-much' help for you, but have you tried to contact their 'Support-Team' via Email yet for example? Because if not, that could (perhaps) be the 'solution' to your problem. Here you have their respective 'Support-Email-Address';
I hope that works for you.
i have unfortunately it didnt work